Thursday, June 08, 2006


This will be quick because I have just finished my 13.5 hour work day which included taking 120 girls to the Newport Aquarium and AMC Theater to see Over the Hedge (which, by the way, I fell asleep during - decide for yourself if that is a statement about the entertainment value of the movie or a result of a crazy week of running around camp).

I am looking forward (since you can't hear my voice I must inform you that this is said with sarcasm) to my day tomorrow which begins by getting to a bus stop in Northside (its near downtown) at 7:30 and being the "bus monitor" for two hours until we arrive in Maineville (its near Kings Island). I will then run around camp all day and board the bus again at 3:30 for a two hour trip back to my car. Awesome. But its okay - because I'm doing it to help Leslie out and she SO deserves it!

Anyway - the Help plea refers to lingering pains in my shoulder/collar bone. I woke up yesterday with a pain in my shoulder/collar bone/neck and assumed that I over-stressed it dunking shirts for tie-dye or slept on it funny. It lasted all day. I woke up this morning and it was worse. By this evening it hurts to: pick up things heaver than a piece of paper with that arm, raise my arm above shoulder level, open my jaw too far (yeah - that one puzzles me too), or move in certain ways.

This pain is a total mystery to me. Here are some possibilities that might explain what happened:
  • Old football injury.........oh, you have to have actually played football to have a football injury?
  • Leslie is a voodoo doctor in her spare time and has a doll that looks suspiciously like me with several pins in its shoulder.
  • Randy has pent up frustration stemming from his secret unfulfilled dream to be a cage fighter. The frustration manifests itself in dreams during which he sleep-kicks my shoulder.
  • Its growing pains. I'm finally getting my growth spurt. Watch out, Brooke - here I come.

If you have any insight on the nature of my agonizing shoulder pain, please let me know. I'm open to suggestions. For now, I better go to bed to gear up for tomorrow's day'o'fun!


Blogger brooke t. higgins said...

I'm voting either for the voodoo stuff or the growth spurt. But I'm not a doctor, so I don't really know.

8:52 PM


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