Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Not in the Mood

I've had an awful day and I'm tired, achey, and irritable. I'm not in the mood to post - but I don't want to slide down the slippery slope of waiting too long to post. So here I am. - it will be quick.

I did several things today that I've never done before:

1. Fulfilled the duties of day camp nurse - cases included: girl with bee sting, girl with nosebleed, and severely emotionally handicapped girl who wanted "TO GO HOME WITH MY MOMMY AND DADDY" but, turns out, actually just needed a nap in the infirmary and then was good as new.

2. Soaked 145 t-shirts in a soda ash solution over several rounds so as to fit in 6 small buckets to prepare them for tie-dying. My hands still ache from wringing them all out.

3. Yelled at police officers. Many counselors at this day camp are police officers and some of them need some extra reminding that they are, in fact, not on break and need to acually stay with their units during lunch.

4. Cried at work in front of coworkers (including my boss). I think that sums up the day.

So - not to fret - nothing earth shattering happened to make me cry. It was just a combination of WAY too much work and not enough time and one of those days that a million small things seem to go wrong all at the same time and overwhelm you. Maybe 6/6/06 really is a cursed day. Tomorrow has to be better. Right?


Blogger brooke t. higgins said...

You are my hero, Kimmy. If it's any consolation, next week it will be me. Remember those of us who love you always!!

9:45 PM

Blogger frizzlymarie said...

So Brooke had me worried when I talked to her about tye dye next week and your great system...then I read your posting and I realized it was the part that I hated too...soaking the shirts. At least we will be doing it over pizza in my peaceful backyard with the help of Jessica on Saturday!

And if you didn't know it you are so amazing to me!!!

9:40 PM


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